Friends of Fermentation
Membership Experience
Four Friends of Fermentation 750s (equivalent)
You will be entitled to four blends/mixed-fermentation beers that we make available. We really enjoy blending beer and working with various cultures to create unique and exciting beer styles. We take our time to research these beers and perform extensive QA/QC. We also give these beers time to really turn into something special.
10% Discount
You and other FRIENDS will receive a 10% discount on all beer, merchandise, events, and food purchases made at the tap room (some limitations). The discount does not apply to membership renewal or purchases made by anyone besides you.
First Right of Acceptance 2023
If you enjoyed the benefits of your 2022 membership, you will be given the opportunity to re-enroll for the following year. We will only have a limited number of spots available due to our low production and bottle limits.
We'll hold various events throughout the year and Friends of Fermentation will have early notice, priority tickets, or the opportunity to sign up first.
We'll have one EFB glass for all of our members. Subject to production delay.
We'll provide one EFB shirt for all members. Subject to production delay. These shirts will be unisex. Usually a one-off print.
Four unique bottles of beer (our choice). Typically very limited runs or runs specifically made for FoF
First right to purchase most can/bottle releases
10% discount on all purchases in tap room
One EFB glass - our choice
One EFB t-shirt - our choice
First Right of Acceptance for 2023 membership
One Membership is $125 (+tax), non-refundable
Membership benefits are designed for one person, they commence January 1, 2022 and conclude December 31, 2022.
Due to strict state laws, we are unable to ship any alcoholic products, you must be available to pick up from the tap room
No product